Wednesday, August 3, 2016

“Donald Trump Is Unfit To Serve As President”- Obama

Republican Presidential candidate, Donald Trump seems to be taking a proper bashing from all an angles.

Just a day after John McCain criticized him for his comments on the parents of an american soldier killed in Iraq, President Obama has deemed him “unfit to serve as president.”

President Obama said;

“I think the republican candidate is unfit to serve as president, I said so last week and he keeps on proving it. The notion that he would attack a gold star family that have made such extraordinary sacrifices on behalf of our country, the fact that he doesn’t appear to have basic knowledge about critical issues in Europe and the middle East means he is woefully unprepared.

President Obama then pointed out that many of Donald Trump’s statements have been denounced by senior officials of the republican party.

Donald Trump had suggested that the Mrs. Khan, the mother of a 27 year old soldier who died in the line of duty was not allowed to speak at the Democratic national convention.

Donald Trump had even said earlier that he did not regard John McCain as a veteran because he was captured.

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